
Update: AlleyTrak v3.0.3
Posted on 2019-03-22

AlleyTrak Patch v3.0.3 includes 3 new quality of life updates for system administrators and a bug patch for Max Lanes validation.

Notification Toggle

From within the Add Reservation view, administrators can now toggle the notification email that is sent out to customers at the time the order is created or modified. By default we send out an order confirmation for all orders created or modified. However with this new control, an administrator can make adjustments to an order without needing to notify the customer. A perfect case example for this would be when you want to add in order notes for the customer but are not necessarily changing the order or lane reservation details.

Our suggestion is to always notify the customer on updates to an order so they are aware of any changes, but we understand that order notes can be useful for the center staff to manage.

AlleyTrak Update Notification

We've added in a new control for AlleyTrak to provide system users with a one-time popup notification whenever we publish updates for AlleyTrak. This will help keep users aware of updates to AlleyTrak and hopefully encourage users to learn about all of the changes we implement to help make managing their center better and more customizable.

Control Same Day Reservations

Some centers have asked for the ability to prevent customers from making a reservation for the current day. To support this we have built in a control for this. System administrators can now enable a Limit Same Day Reservations control, which will prevent customers from being able to make reservations for the current day. By default AlleyTrak accounts are set to allow same day reservations.

Bug Patch

We've identified and fix an issue with the validation for maximum number of lanes a party can reserve. This will now prevent customers from being able to reserve more lanes than the maximum you want a party to reserve in a party, which can be configured in the Application Settings.