
Update: AlleyTrak v5.62.0
Posted on 2023-04-16

AlleyTrak version 5.62.0 Introduces New Google Analytics Reporting, New “Outstanding Payments” Reporting, New Customer Look-ahead Feature, and Revamped Customer Reporting Dashboard.

Enhanced Google Analytics Reporting

We've added a new event “New_Booking” in our Google Tag Manager integration, which allows you to collect high-level conversion details directly within your connected Google Analytics account.

This conversion event fires whenever a new booking is created and applies to both customer and administrator created events. This conversion event is built utilizing GA4. If you are still utilizing Universal Analytics, you will need to upgrade to GA4 to start seeing these metrics reported in Analytics.

New “Outstanding Payments” Reporting

Continuing the enhancements from last week's update, we've added a new “Outstanding Payments” parameter to the Statistics Widget on the Reservation Dashboard.  This will help give you a high-level overview on payments received versus outstanding.

New Customer Look-ahead Feature

We've added a new Customer Look-ahead/search feature within the AlleyTrak admin panel, which will allow you to quickly search for a customer when creating or editing a reservation. When typing in a customer name, AlleyTrak will dynamically search for customers that have a similar name. You can then easily select that customer and use the same contact information for the new event.

Customer Reporting Dashboard

We've added a shiny new Customer Reporting Dashboard, which will greatly improve your ability to generate customer reports and export your contacts.