
Update: AlleyTrak v5.66.0
Posted on 2023-05-21

AlleyTrak version 5.66.0 Introduces Prepayment Requests and Contract/Waiver Links

Prepayment Requests

We've added new functionality to how AlleyTrak administrators create reservations to support the concept of pre-payment requests. When administrators create reservations, they can now select a payment method of “Request Prepayment”.

When making a request, AlleyTrak will send out the order confirmation email with a link for the customer to make the prepayment. The amount charged for the pre-payment is completely customizable, and can be defined for each order that you create. 

Contract/Waiver Links

We've added a handful of new controls to enable you to send contract and waiver links to customers as part of the booking process. This new feature will allow you to consolidate your event coordination processes, or to collect waiver signatures in advance of the event date and time.

Enabling Contract Links is done in the Location Settings. From here you can define:

  1. If you want to utilize this feature.

  2. What your “default” contract link should be (optional).

  3. If customer booked events should have the default contract link applied.

  4. What the contract link/button text should be.

  5. What the paragraph based content that is displayed before the contract link/button should be.

Example #1: For large birthday parties, your events coordinator creates a contract, and needs to send it to the customer. You can now attach the contract link to the event when you create it in AlleyTrak. 

Example #2: Your axe throwing business needs customers to sign a waiver before starting their event. Add your waiver link and display it near the top of the order confirmation email so it is easy for customers to find.