
Update: AlleyTrak v5.81.0
Posted on 2023-11-05

AlleyTrak version 5.81.0 Includes Enhancements to the AlleyTrak Admin Panel and Customer Booking Workflow

Enhancements to Package, Open Play, and Block Exclusions

We've added new logic to automatically sort packages, open pay, and block exclusions by event date. This should make it much easier to manage exclusions over time.

Event Checked In/Out Bug Fix 

We've resolved a visual bug that was displaying the wrong label when changing an event's status from “not checked in”, to “checked in” to “checked out”. The labels now display correctly based on the status of the event.

Remaining Balance Payments through PayPal

We've resolved a bug that was preventing some customers from paying their remaining balance through PayPal. 

Availability Finder Optimization

We've added some new logic to the AlleyTrak Availability Finder tool, which applies when your location/activity has more than 40 spaces. Instead of searching and identifying every possible instance for each event time “scenario”, we've added a cap to reduce load times. The cap has been set to 10 different scenarios per event time. This paired with some other optimization has shown to cut load times by more than half.