
Update: AlleyTrak v5.91.0
Posted on 2024-01-21

AlleyTrak version 5.91.0 Introduces Lane Selection Enhancements, Event Date Display Label Changes, and new Customization Options for Dashboard Statistics.

Lane Selection Enhancements

We're adding two new enhancements to the lane selection process. 

First up, we've added new logic when editing a reservation, to pre-apply the same event duration when selecting new lanes. This is particularly helpful when rescheduling an event from one day to another. Previously AlleyTrak would only select the minimum event duration requirement, and it could be confusing to remember the expected event duration.

Next up, we've added new logic when selecting additional lanes for a reservation. The new change will pre-apply the longest detected duration for a lane instead of the minimum duration. This is helpful when booking a long, multi-lane event. Simple start by selecting your first lane and duration, and each additional lane will have the same duration applied.


  1. The Shift + Click option is also available to quickly bulk-select lanes for a similar duration. 

  2. It's still possible to deselect specific lanes and duration when modifying your event details.

Event Date Display Label Change

We've modified how we display Event Dates for both customers and administrators when within the booking workflow. Historically, we've always shown dates in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. This has been consistent, and reliable, but it can create some confusion when trying to determine what day of week  2024-01-21 is for example.

To help simplify this process, we've implemented a new standard format, which will display like: Sun, January 21, 2024

Dashboard Statistics Customization Options

We've added a new control that allows administrators to determine if we should report and show daily reservation statistics for non-administrators. The statistics are enabled by default, but you can now disable and prevent the Order Total statistics from showing for non-administrators.