AlleyTrak version 5.98.8 Includes User Experience Updates & Bug Fixes
This week's update includes some small user experience updates and bug fixes.
Confirmation & Reminder Emails
We've updated the customer order confirmation and reminder emails to no longer include the Deposit Total line item, if the deposit total is calculated at $0.00. A $0.00 deposit is calculated in instances where deposits are not calculated, indicating that the event type did not require a deposit.
We've applied similar logic to Equipment Rentals. If an order was created with no equipment rentals, we will not display the line item in the confirmation and reminder emails. 
Bug Fixes
We've replaced our QR code generator with a new 3rd party provider, as the original service provider has depreciated the tool. You should now see QR codes generating successfully in your emails moving forward.
We've fixed a bug with the drag-and-drop feature in the AlleyTrak admin panel to avoid a scenario where you could remove a lane from a multi-lane booking. The system will now display an intended error message and prevent the lane change.
We've updated some logic calculating the current time in the AlleyTrak admin panel that was causing “past time” from not blocking out lanes as intended for some account configurations during the second-half of each hour.