AlleyTrak version 5.102.0 Introduces Thank-You Emails and Daily Sales Report Emails
Thank-You Emails
Thank-You emails have been a commonly requested feature, and we're so excited to add this feature to AlleyTrak. If you enable the thank-you email feature, we will automatically send customers a thank-you email 1-2 days after their event date.
Thank-You emails are customizable at the location/activity level, and includes customizable fields including:
Email subject
Email body/message
Primary color 
Custom hero image
The ability to customize the email templates primary color and image introduces two new features to AlleyTrak emails, and we're excited to add these types of customizations to all AlleyTrak emails.
The Email body/message also includes support for tokens, which allow you to include key details like your customer's name and event date. 
Sending Criteria
AlleyTrak will only send Thank-You Emails if the event was marked as Checked In or Checked Out.
Daily Sales Report Emails
Another highly requested feature is a daily sales report email. The daily sales report is intended to go to owners, general managers, accountants or other key business managers and provides you key insights from the previous day.
Daily Sales Reports will include the following key metrics:
Total number of events
Number of events checked in
Total number of guests
Lane Hours 
Orders Total
Transactions Total
Sales Tax Total
In the future we'd like to add additional data like Add-ons Total, Equipment Rentals Total, Equipment Rentals Count.
AlleyTrak will not send Daily Sales Report notification emails if there are no bookings for the day.