
Update: AlleyTrak v5.104.0
Posted on 2024-07-14

AlleyTrak version 5.104.0 Introduces Enhancements to Package Price Scaling, Sales Tax, Order Totals, Convenience Fees, and more!

Package Price Scaling Update

We've made a modification to how package price scaling works when utilizing the “Base Rate for X Guests” pricing model. This adjustment will now better support packages with flexible durations while also using modified price scaling settings. Previously this pricing model did not support flexible price scaling.

Convenience Fee, Sales Tax, and Tip Overrides

We've extended capabilities in the AlleyTrak admin panel to allow your center staff to have the ability to override the convenience fee, sales tax, and tip amount for reservations. Previously you could only zero-out the sales tax, and customize the order total and deposit total. This change provides more flexibility for you and your staff to custom-quote pricing where needed.

Max Lane Hours Validation

We've added new logic to no longer apply the Max Lane Hour setting for administrative staff. This enables centers who leverage this setting to still have maximum flexibility when creating reservations in the admin panel.

Small/Bug Fixes

  • We've refactored some display messages that appear in the customer portal, to avoid duplicate or conflicting messages from showing in situations where AlleyTrak is auto-updating event details for customers