
Update: AlleyTrak v5.109.0
Posted on 2024-09-08

AlleyTrak version 5.109.0 Introduces User Demographic Pricing, Package Availability Enhancements, TouchDesk Integration Enhancements, and more!

User Demographic Pricing

We're excited to announce a new pricing method available in AlleyTrak, which supports pricing based on guest defined properties. User Demographic Pricing is a mouthful, but the core concept is to offer ways for centers to create pricing models that charge different rates based on individual users in the party. If you have different pricing structure for kids of different ages, league players, seniors, etc User Dynamic Pricing can enable you to charge different rates for these users.

A critical component of this development included supporting Dynamic Pricing, so that you can charge different rates at different times. 

User Demographic Pricing is available for use in package type events, and requires an event to be charging either the Per-Player or Per-Game pricing model.

In the future we will add another control to User Demographic Pricing, to support Kids Bowl Free, by offering the first game for users of a specific demographic for free.

Watch this short video to see how User Demographic Pricing works for customers, and how you can configure events to use this new pricing method.

New Package Availability Tool

You can now create packages that have multiple single-days of availability defined. With this capability, you can more easily create events like the 2nd Friday of every month, or special events that occur on specific days throughout the year/season.

Watch this short video to see how this new availability control operations.

New Package Internal Title

Have you ever created different variations of packages based on season changes or holidays, and struggled to tell which package was which? The new Package Internal Title is here to help with this. Instead of needing to rely on a custom Package Title (which displays to your end-users), the new Package Internal Title can help you distinguish package event offerings more easily.

TouchDesk Integration Enhancements

We've added new functionality to our TouchDesk scoring system integration to support syncing multiple activities/areas with TouchDesk. If you configure and manage activities other than bowling in TouchDesk, this feature enhancement will allow AlleyTrak to sync events from AlleyTrak over to TouchDesk, in the appropriate space.