
Update: AlleyTrak v5.122.0
Posted on 2025-01-19

AlleyTrak version 5.122.0 Introduces New Order Total Definition, Enhancements to Lane Pair Logic, TouchDesk Integration, SelectPi Integration and more!

New Order Total Definition

We've added a new definition control, which will allow you to modify how order totals are displayed to customers. Now with options for Order Total, Booking Fee, and Reservation Fee, you have more options available to determine how the cost of the booking is displayed to the customers.

Centers looking to utilize Booking Fee or Reservation fees are commonly charging a minimum amount to book an event, without the true cost of the event being calculated in advance.

Enhancements to Lane Pair Booking Mechanics

We've added a new control to allow you to determine if lane pairs are based on an odd or even starting lane identifier. This effectively allows you to control if the first lane in the pair is an odd or even lane. 

Admin Transaction Recording Adjustment

We've modified some functionality in AlleyTrak when creating or editing reservations and attempting to record a deposit payment. If your event type is normally configured to charge the full order total, AlleyTrak will default the Deposit Amount to 0.00. 

This can cause some confusion for center staff looking to record a payment (either external or through a connected gateway account. We've observed center staff leaving the Deposit Amount at 0.00 and still attempting to record a transaction, and being surprised to find that no transaction was applied.To help expedite and simplify this process for center staff, we will not automatically set the Deposit Amount to the Order Total value if a payment is being recorded and the Deposit Amount is defined at 0.00. 

New Minimum/Maximum Event Duration Setting

We've added the ability to define event durations with a minimum, maximum and default duration of 45-minutes. 

TouchDesk Integration Update

We've resolved a bug that was impacting the remaining balance cost for events transmitted to the TouchDesk scoring system. The bug would show an incorrect remaining balance due if the event was reserved for more than one lane due to how TouchDesk attributes the cost per-lane for a booking.

SelectPi Integration Updates

We've made a few minor user-experience and design changes to the SelectPi integration that is shown to customers paying with their member balance. The changes revolve around the branding, images, and colors used to align more with the SelectPi brand.