
Update: AlleyTrak v4.20.0
Posted on 2020-05-31

Admin Panel Clean-up

We've been working on cleaning up and consolidating code in the administrative panel for more flexibility, repeatability and in prep for new features to come in other updates. While all of there changes are behind the scenes, they go a long way to provide the infrastructure we need to revamp existing controls and continue to add new features to AlleyTrak.

Order Total Calculations

We're updating the way the Order Total calculation runs for existing orders. Previously the order total would never update on existing orders, but this could lead to confusion for administrative staff and would require that staff manually calculate the correct order total and input as a price override. If your order was originally set to use a price override, the automatic order total recalculation will not run when in edit mode.

Deposit Price Calculation

We're updating the way the deposit price calculation runs for existing orders. Previously the deposit price would always auto-calculate when editing an order. However this may not be ideal when a customer has already paid for their deposit and that value may change. We've added in a new control to identify if the order deposit has been paid already, and if so it will retain that original value. Of course if you enable the Deposit Price Override, you can update that value when editing the order. 

Block-After Functionality Bug Fix

We've identified and resolved a small bug with the Block-After API to ensure reservations are receiving the correct lane blocking after a reservation.