
Update: AlleyTrak v5.55.0
Posted on 2023-02-19

AlleyTrak version 5.55.0 Introduces Shift-Click Lane Selection, Optional Pay-in-Full, Admin Minimum Duration Overrides, and Order Add-on User Experience Enhancements. 

Shift-Click Lane Selection

We are so excited to add new functionality to the lane selection process in AlleyTrak. We've added new shift-click lane selection which will allow you to select a large number of lanes very quickly. 

Optional Pay in Full vs Deposit

We've added a new control which will allow you to enable your customers to optionally pay the full amount instead of paying their deposit amount. With this control enabled, your customers will by default be set up to pay just the deposit for their booking. When the customer gets to the payment page, they will have an option to toggle between paying the deposit amount of the full order total. 

Minimum Duration Override

We've added a new control for administrators when adding or editing reservations that allows you to override the minimum duration for events. When selecting new lanes, AlleyTrak by default will select the minimum duration required for an event. This can become problematic when you are trying to squeeze an event in, especially if you have another event back-to-back. With this new override, you can create shortened duration events if and when needed.

You can access this override by clicking the “Overrides” button, in the reservation details panel, on the right-hand side of the page.

Order Add-on User Journey Enhancements

We've added new logic to the customer checkout experience that will help drive the sales of order add-ons. We've added logic that will seamlessly route users to the order add-ons selection page before they continue to checkout if they have not previously viewed add-ons as part of their current checkout session.

This will help ensure that customers view and acknowledge different order add-ons available to them, and to make sure they confirm their selection as they shop around between different event offerings.